Karin's Services
Student Support: Grades 6-12
I am no longer accepting clients grades 6-12
College and Graduate Students
Sessions are via Zoom either once or twice a week, depending on support needs. Assignments and due dates are tracked on a shared digital planner. Routines and systems developed to build executive function skills.
Adult: Professional Life
Executive function skill building and strengthening in the workplace! Building systems and routines to create automated patterns of behavior that can support productivity and efficiency. Use of a shared digital planner to set goals, track progress, and manage time over a week and any given day. Getting tasks done and celebrating that!
Adult: Personal Life
Executive function challenges tend to manifest themselves across personal and work life equally. The priority may be on the personal side however, whether it is being the best partner you can be, navigating domestic tasks and chores, adding in fitness to an already busy day, making more time for family, or simply exploring personal growth areas. Sessions can be once or twice a week, depending on support needs, as well as text support, in the moment, as often as needed. Use of a shared digital planning tool to track skills, systems, routines, successes and projects.